The Album Is Almost So, Two New Sum 41 Songs Remain Punk! - Asal Seo Versi X
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Selasa, 14 Mei 2019

The Album Is Almost So, Two New Sum 41 Songs Remain Punk!

The Album Is Almost So, Two New Sum 41 Songs Remain Punk!
Selasa, 14 Mei 2019

Long time no release of the song, Sum 41 finally ready to re-kick off through their new works. Even at least, the band fronted by Deryck Whibley already has two new songs ready to be released.
The cut of the two new songs can be heard on the Instagram account Instagram 41. There is no clear explanation of the title of the band's latest Canadian hit.
One thing is clear, Sum 41 still carries punk music which is their trademark. The drum beat, the distortion of the guitar and Deryck's scream were felt in the two teaser songs.
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